
When life is uncertain one of the things you can always fall back on is practice for self care and consistency. Whether it be meditation, self development, positive self talk, boundaries, it can be anything you feel will make a positive impact on your life.

There will be times of growth and there will be times when old patterns and behaviours creep their way back in. But the thing that links everything together and makes it a consistent growth opportunity is practice.

I love practicing the pause. Pausing before reacting, pausing before responding, pausing before assuming based on a lens of previous experience.

I read somewhere that said “Communicate from the scar, not from the wound.” Which is such a beautiful sentiment to me when it comes to growth.

While growing up and learning there were some behaviours that I thought were just in me because of previous experiences. However with growth and self awareness and lots and lots of reading I have learnt that you can actually re-train your brain and heal – so you can then communicate from the scar not the wound! But remember to forgive yourself if the wound appears, this is a consistent practice and it is not easy. Consistency over intensity is another piece of advice I have been given and I feel this is so accurate when it comes to practice.

Take care.

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